Our Philosophy

At Pieces to Peace Healing, we believe you carry a gift right beside your wound and that your unique gifts, wounds and dreams are part of a bigger interconnected plan. Relational skills are a key part of helping you turn your wounds into gold and contribute to that bigger interconnected plan.

We believe there's a lot of deep learning from the relationships that agitate your wounds and seem to obscure your gifts. They're invitations to go within and learning to feel and accept the past and present - free up your energy to create your dream life.

The words "Pieces" and "Peace" carry multiple meanings that act like dream symbols. They're not fixed to one interpretation and can shift with our perspective.

"Peace" is a vibrant state of diversity and equity, and celebration of our differences free from oppression and control. It's also the inner state of safety and stillness that comes from connection to your divinity and authentic self.

"Pieces" can mean broken pieces - representing what it feels like when you meet your wound. We also use "piece" when we're talking about music and art, or when you intentially separate a whole into pieces.

Pieces to Peace Healing is an energetic being working with Jacqui McGinn to bring peace, vitality and connection to those who resonate with her energy.



Patience & Curiosity


Patience and curiosity enable deeper connections to be made and open life to discovery.



Respect is being aware of how we affect others with our language choices and the ways we express ourselves.



Safety makes the inner child feel safe and seen, opening the doorway to healing and creative possibilities.

Humour & Playfulness


Laughter and playfulness connect us on deep levels. Playfulness is a sign of healing and a subtly powerful way to express truths that need to be told.

Jacqui McGinn


I’m Jacqui, founder of Pieces to Peace Healing.

3/5 Sacral Manifesting Generator with The Right Angle Cross of Tension 3

Virgo Rising, Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, Taurus Midheaven (with a touch of Chiron!)

According to my Human Design, the theme of the first half of my life was shock (gate 51) and I'd say that's pretty accurate. In my mid-twenties I experienced a series of shocks as loved ones died, students died and I was shaken to the core by a breakdown that left my mind feeling shattered to pieces.

It was a dark, unsettling time that opened my eyes to the depths of the unconscious mind. But also one that ignited my lifelong quest to understand what the hell happened so I could teach others.

As a 3/5 Manifesting Generator, I'm always trying new things and exploring different approaches. But one constant throughout my career has been teaching. I've taught English to learners from all over the world and I've taught Japanese and wellbeing techniques to people in the UK.

I've found that approaching healing as a teacher makes it more empowering. I equip my learners with lifelong skills and techniques to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and compassion and help cultivate inner peace and confidence that lasts.

You can read more about my story below.

Jacqui's Story

Two weeks before my father died, I had a breakdown. My thoughts spiralled into paranoia, and I became convinced I was being controlled by the devil. Rock bottom came when I believed the devil was working through me to harm everyone I loved. The only way I could think to save them was to end my own life.

That moment shattered me, but it also ignited something powerful within me: a vow to understand what had happened to my mind and to ensure no one else would have to face such overwhelming darkness alone.

For over two decades, I dedicated myself to this mission. I immersed myself in research, training, and healing—exploring everything from holistic modalities to cutting-edge psychological insights. Through self-reflection, receiving guidance, and working with clients, I uncovered the source of my pain: a wounded, shamed child within me. She had internalized a deep sense of unworthiness, shaped by shame-based discipline and the rigid, controlling messages I absorbed from the Catholic Church.

Through this journey, I came to understand a critical distinction: shame, as a natural emotion, arises from within when we act out of integrity with our values. It's a signal that helps us grow and realign. But shaming—the act of undermining someone’s self-esteem to control their behaviour—destroys connection and creates wounds that can last a lifetime.

Healing that wounded part of me changed everything. I found my ground, my voice, and my truth.

Today, I create safe, interconnected learning communities where shaming has no place. These are spaces where people can experience the natural growth that comes from connection and integrity, free from the destructive patterns of control and judgment. Here, we embrace our authentic selves and learn to live in alignment with our truth.

If you're ready to step into a space of growth, authenticity, and belonging, you're in the right place.