Mindset isn’t enough. Focusing healing only on the mind keeps more of the same in place. Mindset alone can’t solve problems. The kind of radical creativity that we need to solve the enormous problems we’re facing will not come from changing our thoughts. White westerners in particular have to go deeper. We have to look at what modes of healing truly bring about transformation.

For sure, mindset is helpful – changing your thoughts can help you feel better, it can help you work better and help you keep going when it’s tough. But if you want to be part of the real solution, you have to go deeper than your thoughts. You have to connect with emotion. You have to connect with the undercurrents of the soul – the deeper patterns of the soul.

The soul speaks through emotion and it speaks through the body. It’s beyond words but it’s not pre-verbal in the sense that it’s like an immature human brain that can’t yet use language. It speaks in deeper, wiser languages – universal languages that all humans can connect with – and even other life forms.

When you focus on mindset and on changing thoughts, you keep unhealthy, unequal power dynamics in place. It’s only through emotions and embodiment where you can genuinely move into the kind of openmindedness that welcomes what’s truly different from what you grew up with and what you got conditioned by.


Emotions are reliable wisdom keepers that bring up vital relationship messages. They help you solve problems that you’re facing. Coming into right relationship with others means coming into right relationship with the totality of your emotions. Right relationship with your emotions means that you no longer quash or hide big emotions. You have the centredness to work with them and change how you relate to them so that each emotion comes into its proper and appropriate place in your psyche.

  • Fear is not an inside thing blocking you, it’s an instinctive orientation to your surroundings
  • Shame is not a bad wall holding you back, it’s a vital integrity keeper helping you stay in integrity and alignment with what you value and the truth of who you are.
  • Anger is not inherently destructive, it’s your boundary monitoring how others behave and alerting you when somethings goes against what’s safe for you or in integrity with your values.
  • Hatred is a powerful messenger bringing shadow material to the surface, the capacity to work skillfully with hatred is transformational and deeply healing. Bringing deep peace to your psyche and to your relationships.

Your thoughts can mask and confuse these powerful inner wisdom keepers. But leaning into them and tuning into their messages helps you alchemise any situation into an opportunity for soul growth.

If you never know your anger, you can’t truly be yourself

If you never know your shame, you can’t truly stay in integrity with your values

If you never know your fear, you impair your intuitive wisdom

If you never know your hatred, you cut off powerful parts of yourself that could bring you to peace, strength and wholeness.


Year long book and community project to cultivate transformational connections